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People with diabetes are unable to produce enough of the hormone insulin which is a compound that regulates the glucose level in the blood, the failure in insulin production in diabetic’s leads to a high blood sugar -glucose level in the body. This may not sound like much but an excess sugar or glucose content has serious complications and over time, such high levels of glucose in the blood can lead to the appearance of heart disease or it at least increases the risks, and nerve damage, it heightens the possibility of kidney disease, there could be a loss of vision, and high blood sugar brings many other complications in its stride including wounds that do not heal well and quickly enough. Diabetes is of two distinct types. The rare diabetes insipidus, or more commonly insulin-dependent diabetes or type 1 diabetes, which can develop at any age but usually develops before the age of 30. The second type of diabetes is called as diabetes mellitus, or more commonly non-insulin-dependent diabetes or type 2 diabetes; this form of the disorder accounts for 90% of diabetic cases; and it makes its appearance usually in middle age.
Type 1 Diabetic 
When the pancreas ceases its function of insulin production due to any reason, type 1 diabetes is said to have occurred, as insulin is necessary for glucose regulation in the blood. While the causes of this abrupt halt in the production of insulin is uncertain, it is believed by many scientists and researchers that an autoimmune disorder, where the body attacks its own pancreatic cells could be responsible, while others suggest the involvement of a virus. Thus those individuals who have unfortunately contracted diabetes type 1, a lifelong insulin dependency from an external source is necessitated, therefore such people are dependant on insulin throughout their lives.
Type 2 Diabetic 
On the other hand, diabetes mellitus or the more common type 2 diabetes develops from insulin resistance in the body. Pancreatic function is normal, and insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, but for some reason the cells in the body cannot use the insulin anymore. The presence or absence of a lot of body fat or obesity in people plays an important role in most cases of type 2 diabetes. Indeed obesity is one of the risk factors for contracting this form of diabetes. In the end, both these types of diabetes can arise in anybody due to genetic factors.
Both types of diabetes are caused by the lack of an essential hormone named insulin, which is used to transfer glucose from the blood to every cell in the body. The severe form of diabetes is type 1, when the pancreas can’t produce insulin at all. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the pancreas produces some insulin, but not enough to meet the metabolic demands.
Glucose is a simple type of sugar digested by our body from the food. It is the main fuel used by the cells, which burn it to generate energy. The problem of people who suffer from diabetes is that lack of insulin prevents glucose from reaching their cells. This is dangerous for two separate reasons: the body is forced to use other energy sources while sugar builds up in the blood.
Without glucose, the body turns to its fat reserves for energy. However, breaking down fat cells has the unwanted side effect of producing ketones. Their level builds up in the blood stream, raising its acidity. When the blood becomes too acid, some of the enzymes needed to regulate other functions of the body are unable to work. Ketones also have other bad effects, such as affecting the balance of electrolytes and carbohydrates.
Supplements and herbs
These supplements that are being recommended can be used in conjunction with the prescription drugs which may be used for the treatment of the disease, both type 1 and type 2, diabetics can take advantage of these supplements. There could be a need to alter dosages for insulin or the hypoglycemic medications used in type 2 diabetes treatments, when these supplements are used, the changes in dosages or the application of changed doses must be done under the supervision of a qualified medical professional.
Diabetic nerve damage may be prevented by the B vitamins,which also help in the production of enzymes that are necessary in the derivation of energy from glucose. Lowering the blood glucose levels is one of the properties of the mineral chromium; concurrently it is effective in reducing cholesterol levels in diabetics



Aloe vera has been used for a host of purposes since the ancient Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality.”
Since then, its uses have become more targeted and medicinal, and it's one of the leading therapies for sunburns.
Aloe vera is a cactus plant that belongs to the Liliaceae family. It grows in dry climates such as those found in parts of Africa and India and has been used medicinally for centuries.
Aloe leaves secrete a clear gel that when broken off from the rest of the plant that can be applied topically to heal wounds and soothe skin.
Various studies have been conducted to examine the benefits of the aloe vera plant and it was found out that aloe vera does in fact have several properties that are effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, from flaky or dry skin, cosmetic ailments, hair and scalp problems to many more.
It is also said to be useful in treating wounds and burns, minor skin infections, cysts, diabetes, and elevated blood lipids in humans, and shows some promise in treating more serious and persistent conditions such as eczema, genital herpes, dandruff, psoriasis, canker sores, skin ulcers and others, according to the Mayo Clinic.
1. It treats sunburn.
Aloe Vera helps with sunburn through its powerful healing activity at the epithelial level of the skin, a layer of cells that cover the body. It acts as a protective layer on the skin and helps replenish its moisture. Because of its nutritional qualities and antioxidant properties, the skin heals quicker.2. It acts as a moisturizer.
Aloe moisturizes the skin without giving it a greasy feel, so it`s perfect for anyone with an oily skin complexion. For women who use mineral-based make-up, aloe vera acts as a moisturizer and is great for the face prior to the application to prevents skin drying. For men: Aloe vera gel can be used as an aftershave treatment as its healing properties can treat small cuts caused by shaving.
3. It treats acne.
Aloe vera gel contains two hormones: Auxin and Gibberellins. These two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation. Giberellin in aloe vera acts as a growth hormone stimulating the growth of new cells. It allows the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal scarring.Aloe is soothing and can reduce skin inflammations, blistering and itchiness, while helping the skin to heal more rapidly. Additionally, Aloe is used to effectively heal chronic skin problems, such as psoriasis, acne and eczema4.
4 It fights aging.
As we age, everyone begins to worry about the appearance of fine lines and the loss of elasticity in their skin. Aloe leaves contain a plethora of antioxidants including, beta carotene, vitamin C and E that can help improve the skin's natural firmness and keep the skin hydrated.
5. It lessens the visibility of stretch marks.
The skin is like one big piece of elastic that’ll expand and contract as needed to accommodate growth. But if the skin stretches too far, too fast (due to pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss) the elasticity of the skin can be damaged. That’s what leaves those unsightly stretch marks. These marks appear due to minor tears in the layers of the skin caused by sudden and excessive stretching. Aloe vera gel can help hide these stretch marks by healing these wounds.
6. It's nutrient rich for good health.
This solid material contains over 75 different nutrients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids and salicylic acid.
7. It soothes in periodontal disease.
According to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, it's extremely helpful in the treatment of gum diseases like gingivitis, periodontitis. It reduces bleeding, inflammation and swelling of the gums. It is a powerful antiseptic in pockets where normal cleaning is difficult, and its antifungal properties help greatly in the problem of denture stomatitis, apthous ulcers, cracked and split corners of the mouth.
8. It aids in digestion.
The internal benefits of aloe vera are supposed to be just as amazing. The plant is said to improve the digestion and to relieve ulcers. Some people consider it a laxative, while others attribute that effect to its digestive qualities (which normalize the system and induce regularity). The juice is also prescribed for arthritis and rheumatism. To test any of these claims, steep the cut foliage in water or chew pieces of the fresh leaf.

Nature Min

Nature Min Multivitamin
Your body can benefit from nutrients locked deep in an ancient seabed, because four percent of our body weight is composed of these minerals. Since our bodies can’t manufacture minerals, we have to obtain them from our food or supplementation.
Forever Nature Min multivitamin is an advanced, multi-mineral formula using new bio-available forms of minerals for maximum absorption. It provides minerals and trace minerals in a perfectly balanced ratio for maximum efficiency. Using a mineral base of natural seabed deposits and chelated marine plants and animals, Nature Min Multivitamin provides most of the minerals found in the human body.
Minerals in the body perform three functions:
  • Some, like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, are constituents of the bones and teeth.
  • Others are soluble salts that help to control the composition of body fluids and cells.
  • Minerals, such as iron and hemoglobin, perform other vital tasks. They work with enzymes and proteins, which are necessary for releasing and utilizing energy.
    Forever Nature Min Multivitamin is an excellent way to ensure that your body is getting the minerals and trace minerals it needs to meet the demands of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Contains trace minerals from natural sea bed deposit Perfect blend of minerals in each tablet.
Minerals play many roles in the human body, from regulating fluid balance to activating genes and hormones.
180 tablets
Six tablets daily as a dietary supplement.
Note: Forever Nature Min is not sold in stores, you can only buy it from Independent Distributors of Forever Living Products or through online stores.

Fields of Greens

The benefits of Fields of Greens:
    • Excellent all-purpose multi-vitamin and multi-mineral
    • Rich in minerals
    • Antioxidant
Contains chlorophyll 
Contains all the benefits of eating your greens. With today’s busy lifestyles and the convenience of fast food, we all too often neglect eating nutritionally rich fresh foods. Forever provides a simple solution to ‘convenience eating’ in Fields of Greens. Fields of Greens incorporates the nutritional benefits of young, green barley sprouts, alfalfa, wheat grass and cayenne. Other nutritional compounds present in Fields of Greens are beta-carotene, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and chlorophyll, with more fibre than bran. One glance at the ingredient list reveals a cornucopia of nutritional elements especially formulated to combat the deficiencies of ‘convenience eating’.
Barley Grass – Until the advent of wheat and rye, barley was the primary grain for bread in Europe. The juice of young barley plants is known to contain a rich mineral cocktail – potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, copper, phosphorous, zinc and manganese. In addition, an antioxidant compound known as 2-0-GI (2-0-glycosylisovitexin) occurs naturally in green barley leaves.
Wheat Grass A rich nutritional food, also containing a great variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Dr Ann Wigmore, American founder of using wheatgrass, claims that 1lb of fresh wheat grass is equal in nutritional value to over 20lb of fresh vegetables.
Alfalfa  – Alfalfa Alfalfaroots extend as much as 13ft deep into the earth, drawing up minerals from rich soil, making this plant another of the richest mineral foods available to man. These minerals are in total balance and aid maximum absorption. Alfalfa is also an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, E and K. It lowers cholesterol levels, and is a natural plant oestrogen.
Cayenne Pepper Long used as a traditional medicine, it has been found to improve circulation and aid digestion.
Honey – The credentials of honey as a source of nutritional benefit are well established. A source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, honey has long been used to provide energy.
Formula Ingredients:
Barley grass (powdered leaves) 120mg
Wheat grass (powdered leaves) 120mg
Alfalfa (powdered leaves) 120mg
Cayenne pepper (powdered fruit) 1.7mg
Other Ingredients:
Honey, sorbitol, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silica – contains wheat.
Contents:  80 tablets.
Suggested Use: 1 tablet, twice daily.
Note: Forever Fields of Greens is not sold in stores, you can only buy it from Independent Distributors of Forever Living Products or through online stores.

Forever Garcinia Plus :
Forever Garcinia Plus® is a revolutionary dietary supplement, containing ingredients that may aid in weight loss. The primary ingredient is a natural substance derived from the fruit of a Southern Asian tree, the Garcinia Cambogia, also known as the Malabar Tamarind. The rind of this fruit is dried and used to produce a substance that is very similar to the citric acid found in oranges and other citrus fruits.
Forever Garcinia Plus contains a natural substance, (-) hydroxycitric acid (HCA) derived from the dried rind of the fruit of the Malabar Tamarind. (Garcinia cambogia).
HCA is without doubt, the most important dietary supplement to have ever been produced. It is a natural, safe way to reduce weight, while optimizing the metabolism to aid the proper assimilation of nutrients in food, so as to provide lean muscle tone and a healthy well regulated digestive system. Unlike the afore-mentioned drugs, HCA works via the peripheral mechanisms (not central nervous system) to promote weight loss and assist the metabolism in the liver.
Forever Garcinia Plus works in three ways to promote weight loss and lean muscle tone.
It acts as a Partitioning Agent which promotes the flow of energy and calories away from fat by interrupting the functioning of ATP citrate lyase. It achieves this by imitating and replacing another chemical which binds to the enzyme, making it in-effective. Therefore, there is no more ATP citrate lyase left to produce fat. When fat can be burned as energy, it cannot be stored, so fat loss is the result.
Carbohydrate Loading: The calories diverted from fat storage have to end up somewhere. By blocking ATP citrate lyase, HCA shifts the calories from fat to glycogen, which is the form of glucose stored in the liver and skeletal muscles. Therefore, in the absence of fat production, HCA biochemically promotes glycogen production.
Appetite Suppression: When glycogen levels in the liver rise, gluco-receptors in the liver are stimulated and they send a satiety signal (“I’m Full”) to the brain via the vagus nerve. This is a natural, efficient physiological way to promote weight loss.

 Forever Products is not sold in stores, you 


only buy it from  HEALTHY LIFE CARE 

DISTRIBUTOR. call him on +233555323376

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